History is written by the winners.
A Xian book proclaims how many 1000's of xians there are and how successful they are. Not surprising really.
How does it compare to contemporary writings of historians and other faiths? If any survive.
the bible tells us that christians had multiplied rapidly shortly after christs death.
are the figures accurate?.
acts 2:41 says that after hearing teachings by peter "the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.
History is written by the winners.
A Xian book proclaims how many 1000's of xians there are and how successful they are. Not surprising really.
How does it compare to contemporary writings of historians and other faiths? If any survive.
i just finished changing my desktop back ground and realized to some it may reflect what they value or something that symblizes their identity.
what's on your desktop and what does it say about you??.
carmel (of the bored still crowd)
Yesterdays APOD(Astronomy Picture of the Day) picture. Sunset over Antarctica.
I like todays, a 3D picture of the sun, but I can't find my blue/red glasses. :)
i am not jehovah winess but my oldest dearest friend is.
we met in junior high and after we each had maried ended up living in seperate states.
our lives sort of grew apart and after 7 years of no contact, she located me and we have stayed in contact.
She ever write short stories about mental problems:
kingdom ministry for october under: how can we help?
..."when donations are earmarked specifically for a certain disasters, it is necessary in some countries to use such funds only for the purpose specified by the donor and within a certain period of time, whether the needs of out brothers have been cared for locally or not.
(is this true and if so, isn't that the whole point of donating to natural disaster victims?
They rob people of their self esteem, friends, family, faith, ability to reason etc so they might as well take their money too.
kingdom ministry for october under: how can we help?
..."when donations are earmarked specifically for a certain disasters, it is necessary in some countries to use such funds only for the purpose specified by the donor and within a certain period of time, whether the needs of out brothers have been cared for locally or not.
(is this true and if so, isn't that the whole point of donating to natural disaster victims?
They rob people of their self esteem, friends, family, faith, ability to reason etc so they might as well their money as well.
continuing this morning's notes, in the same format.... talk 5: overview - organized to do jehovah's will - brother bethel-coot.
synopsis: general high level review of contents of new "organized to do jehovah's will" (od) book.
pointed out how to use index (duh!
What's the difference between Bethel Service and a prison sentence?
You can leave prison with qualifications.
who blindly adhere to wtbts doctrines.
how can they be christians when they refuse to accept jesus as their mediator?
So does that mean when they close their prayers by saying "...thru' our Lord Jesus Christ..." that the prayer doesn't go anywhere, unless they are of the anointed?
Like a wrong mail address?
i was watching the history channel this weekend and they had a show on the global flood story.
it was pretty interesting, mostly the same old stuff and some commentators from different religions.
while i was watching this, two thoughts kept coming to mind:.
This leads to my second thought. Wiping out all the evil people on the earth without destroying the source of the evil doesn't make much sense. It would be like us finding a cure for aids. Then killing everyone that has aids except for one person and then letting that person infect other people. All the while never using the cure.
It gets worse. Even after the imminent Armageddon, Satan the Debil will only be locked in the abyss for 1000 years and then let out again as a test for those humans who are left on earth! (Is this still WT doctrine?)
Even more corrupted souls for the great Lord Jehovah to murder at the final, er final judgement.
And he wasn't a very good one, look at the hole he's made carving that circle!
firstly, it is not my intention here to offend anyone so if you are likely to get upset at reading 'blasphemous' statements or criticism of jesus then perhaps you should go to another topic.
also, i am not in the habit of making personal attacks on other posters, if you decide to stay and read this - don't attack me!
by all means rip my post to pieces and explain where i got it all wrong, but don't shoot the messenger.. and remember, i come from the same place as most of you, i was one of jehovah's witnesses for over thirty years.
In relation to another thread.....anyone else think the xtians are getting preachy?
Nice thread Nic.